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2018 Grand Nationals

Super Exciting News for the Montana Super Skippers!!!

If you have seen competitive Jump Rope, you know what all the excitement is about. Speed ropes travel 80 mph, and freestyle events have intricate, powerful and complicated moves. There are single rope and double dutch for both events.

This past June the Montana Supers Skippers traveled to The Dells, Wisconsin and competed at the USA Jump Rope National tournament against 50 teams and over 500+ competitors.

In the first 3 days of age division competition we had many ribbons and Medal winners.

30 second speed: 17-year old Sydney Schmidt took 2nd place

1 minute Speed: Sydney Schmidt took 1st place and set a new record of 344 speed jumps. That equals almost 8 jumps per SECOND. Her Sister Cameron Schmidt took 3rd place in the 19-23 age group.

For Single rope Freestyles Sydney placed 3rd in the 17 year old group, for the 24 year old age group Erin Williams took first followed by her younger Sister Riley who placed second.

In Single rope pairs Freestyle Tavin Robinson and Kylee McCloney placed 2nd, followed by Erin and Riley Williams placing 3rd .

In Double Dutch single freestyle the 13-14 age group, Clara Commons, Macy Mcquilkin, and Annie Sweatland placed 2nd .

For Double Dutch Pairs Freestyle in the 15-17 age group Sydney Schmidt, Thea Jonassen, Lillian Common, and Gabbie Haaskamp took 1st, our 18+ age group team of Riley Williams, Jordan and Kylee McCloney and Tavin Robinson took home 2nd.

After the 3 days of competition, we had many members qualify for Grand Nationals. Tavin Robinson and Kylee McCloney placed 3rd in their Single Rope Pairs Freestyle. Thea Jonassen, Sydney, Schmidt, Lillian Commons, and Gabbie Haaskamp placed 2nd in Double Dutch Pairs Freestyle with a squeaky Clean routine, and Riley Williams was a Grand National Champion in Single rope freestyle!

Of course being "Montana Strong' we had a very strong showing in the Speed events. Sydney Schmidt placed 3rd in 1 minute Speed. Our Double Dutch Pairs Speed were 1 jump short of 1st place and took home 2nd With 786 jumps.

For the first time in history, the Montana Super Skippers placed 3rd in the OVER-All TEAM category. Our small team of 18 went up against over 500 jumpers to earn the esteemed award.

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